Anwar Kawtharani, Ed.D

Advanced Training and Life Long Learning Program in Applied Health Sciences (AtlHeal) (AtlHeal)

2014 - 2016

Advanced Training and Lifelong Learning Program in Applied Medical and Health Sciences, focusing on innovative training methods to enhance the accountability, quality, and safety of professionals operating in the field of applied medical and health sciences. The project aims to collaboratively reform and modernize a flexible interdisciplinary training and professional lifelong program and diploma (LTP) in applied health sciences. Partner institutions offering the integrated study program will issue a flexible training and diploma. This initiative falls under the Lifelong Learning Program, enabling individuals at all life stages to engage in enriching learning experiences, contributing to robust institutional and individual capacity building across the Southern Neighbouring Area (ENPI South).


  1. 1. Participation in SWOT analysis
  2. 2. Supervision of project plan implementation
  3. 3. Assisting LNU in preparing Annual and Final Reports
  4. 4. Hosting a Coordination Meeting (CM) and several training workshops
  5. 5. Receiving staff and mobility students
  6. 6. Collaboration with other partners to achieve project objectives
  7. 7. Participation in the planning, monitoring, and management of the project

Collaborative entities involved in the project include:

Linnaeus University - Collaborative Organization. Responsible person: Professor Stephen Hwang. Also Linnaeus University, Responsible person Professor Stephen Hwang, ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY, Al-Rassoul Al-Aazam hospital, Lebanese International University, The Lebanese University, Ministry of Public Health, Notre Dame University, South Valley university, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Université Cadi Ayyad, University of Zilina, Zagazig University, Damanhour University, 6th of October City, Université Ibn Tofail, University of Foggia, Al Rassoul Al-Aazam University Institute, and Helwan University.